Sunday, December 21, 2008

a reader reflects

a year ago I got an email from a reader:
After reading your comment and then consequently reading your blog, I visited several sites on Adult ADHD as so much fitted ‘ME’. From there I visited my GP an I really just wanted to say thank you. I am being referred to see a psychiatrist for a profile now It is like having a weight lifted, having reason for so many things and seeing light at the end of the tunnel. I really really wanted to thank you ;)

this sort of comment makes me glad we launched Great Minds

months later I decided to follow up and see what the results were.

your note ( of long ago) made me so happy
i wonder how you are doing today?
God bless you.

today's response:

I have been diagnosed now correctly with a chemical imbalance and have been subscribed a lifetime course of cipralex. I am now on my second month of the medication and the effects have been wonderful. I have slowly been regaining my concentration, I have also begun reading again a hobby which I used to love and am reliving my passion for once again. My work life has become much more focused and I am enjoying that much more all in all things are going very well I thank you for your enquiry and your prior kind words the various posts I have read on your site have been inspirational and it has helped having people in similar if not identically situations to relate to.

So thank you ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.