Saturday, December 02, 2006

Breakfast with the boss.

( that's me )

I’m very much enjoying my toasted bagel .
It’s a little bit cold in my room, but the kettle is on the stove downstairs, and the fire is burning hot on a beautiful clear Saturday while I plan my day.

Having breakfast at my house is not as easy as it would seem.
After I put the bagel in the toaster and put the water on to a boil I almost immediately began to go upstairs to my computer.
The toaster and the boiling water were out of my mind. I couldn’t believe it myself. That is the way it is for me with ADD, and I am sure that it is the same for many others.
The tea kettle boiled for more than five minutes!
Funny, yes, unless I burn the kitchen down….

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I get my ADHD honestly from my father. Every time we used the microwave, we had to take his cold coffee out where he'd put it to heat up and forgotten about it. I'm glad he never tried to cook anything :)